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Friday 6th November 2020


Welcome back to Term 2 everyone!


Traditionally our Christmas term has always been a very busy one, and we intend to make it as full of fun as usual. We have a virtual pantomime (with everyone dressing up) as well as a virtual KS1 Nativity to look forward to, as well as our Christingle service and we will be doing lots of Christmas craft too.


We have thrown ourselves straight back into work this week, covering percentages and perimeter in Maths and dreaded apostrophes in Grammar and Punctuation. We also recapped on what we had learnt in French last term by doing Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing exercises and the results were amazing. Also, on 5th November, we watched a video poem about fireworks in French and used our language detective skills to decode what was being said. If you want to see the video, you may click on the link below. 


We also painted our Greek pots this week - they still need varnishing but are looking good. On Tuesday we had the privilege of planting wooden poppies at the war memorial in memory of all the men of Elham who gave their lives in WWI and WWII. It was a little different this year as there was nobody else there to see us do it, but it was important that we still did it anyway.


Special mentions in assembly this week went to Ryan for always showing a positive attitude to his work and to Eddie for consistently working hard and producing work of a high standard. Well done to you both! 


As we are now back in lockdown, we wish you a peaceful and happy weekend with your families.


Stay safe


Mrs Short and Mrs Godden


This week's spellings are all hyphenated words. They will be tested on Friday 13th November.






















In addition this week, you will be tested on the word necessary as very few of the class can remember how to spell it. Remember that when you get dressed for school you put on one collar (C) and two shoes (SS).


Thursday 5th November 2020


Here is a reminder of the URL (web address) for Renaissance Learning where you can take a reading book test at home. If you want to take a test at school, remember to ask for a laptop when you come into class in the morning or straight after lunch. (You can also click on the link below.)

