Pictures from Immanu'el
Hello Willows!
I hope you are all well.
Look out for the last Super Flower Moon of 2020, tonight - it should be spectacular!
Joke of the Day: Why are fish so clever? Because they live in schools!
Maths Word problem: There are 25 sheep in a field. Eleven more sheep are put in the field. How many sheep are in the field now?
Alphabet word string game: Choose an animal to start with, e.g.' dog'. The next person has to choose an animal which starts with the last letter, e.g. 'goat', then 'tiger' etc... You can play the same game with any theme you like, e.g names of people, plants, clothes, food etc..
If you are lucky enough to have some left over loo roll tubes ( I have used all mine to make pots for my sweet peas!), this is a super activity to do.
Have a lovely day - enjoy the sunshine!
Mrs.Ferguson x
Good Morning Willows!
I hope you are all well. The sun has got his hat on today, so make the most of it! It has been so lovely to see your gardens and where you have gone for your walks. It has been very interesting to see what you are growing. Perhaps someone can tell me why my dwarf french beans and sweet peas are taking so long to germinate, but my husband's runner beans are magnificent! My sunflowers are also still hiding underneath the soil!
Joke of the day: Why couldn't the pony sing a lullaby? Because she was a little horse! ( Another homophone for our collection horse/hoarse!)
Maths Word Problem: I am the smallest silver coin. What am I?
Alphabet Game: Can you think of an animal starting with each letter of the alphabet?
The children love listening to the BBC's Ten Pieces in my assemblies. Check out: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/ten-pieces/ten-pieces-at-home/zjy3382
I have just been sent this email by Young Voices, which looks really exciting, if you like to sing and dance! I have signed up and we are sending the email to everyone in the school. Perhaps you would like to join in!
Dear Teacher,
We’re really excited to invite you to get involved in a special #YVatHome project over the next few weeks! Young Voices, the current Guinness World Record holders for the world’s largest simultaneous sing are staging the the World’s Largest Children’s Choir at Home for a record breaking #PowerInMe Singing Challenge and dedicate it to all our teachers. On 2nd June 2020 - you are invited along with families and children from across the world to pay tribute to all teachers by joining together to sing “The Power in Me” from the safety of your own homes. You can register your involvement at youngvoices.co.uk/powerinme to access learning resources for the song. More importantly - we are asking you to share this email with your parents and children to get them directly involved. In the weeks leading up to the main event on 2nd June, you are encouraged to take part in the #PowerInMe singing challenge and to film yourselves singing the song’s lyrics “I've got the Power In Me" and post it online with the hashtag to see who responds completing the song’s chorus "You’ve got the Power in You!". It is all explained here by David Lawrence and Francisco Nunez. There are also a series of online workshops to prepare you for the big day: Tuesday 12th May 4pm UK/11am EST - ‘Conductor Swap’ - David Lawrence runs an online rehearsal/workshop for children in the US Thursday 14th May 4pm UK/11am EST - Rebecca Lawrence interviewed by Gigi Morley on being a composer and composing the Power in Me Tuesday 19th May 4pm UK/11am EST - ‘Conductor Swap’ - Francisco Nunez runs an online rehearsal/workshop for children in the UK Thursday 21st May 4pm UK/11am EST - Andy Instone will run a live movement session to teach the moves for Power in Me for everyone who has signed up Have you got the power in you? Get involved! #PowerInMe #ThankYouTeachers |
Stay safe and keep singing
Have a lovely day!
Mrs. Ferguson x
P.S. There are more stories for you to listen to, under ' Story Time with Mrs. Ferguson'. I hope you enjoy them. x
Photos form Max, Hallie and Harry
Harry's Video

Good Afternoon Willows!
May the 4th be with you!! ( a little Star Wars joke!)
I hope you had a lovely weekend and are all well.
Thank you very much for all your lovely photos of your home learning: please keep sending them in - you are amazing!
I have just returned from being in school: it still looks and smells the same, although oddly quiet...
Joke of the day: Why does nobody talk to circles? Because there is no point!
Maths Word Problem: Lily is given five £1.00 coins for her birthday. How many pence is her money worth?
Chain Letters: How many words can you make from the word 'tall', by just changing the first letter?
It was Dawn Chorus Day, yesterday and I found this brilliant site that tells you about the birds in your garden and lets you hear their song - magical!
This is a wonderful free book filled with very short stories, poems and illustrations of hope - ideal for bedtime. It has been compiled from over 100 different authors especially for these unprecedented times: I loved the first chapter!
This recipe looks delicious and easy to innovate - I think I will give it a go!
Stay safe and keep washing and anti-baccing!
Mrs.Ferguson x