Term 3
This term we will be learning about the people who help us or our community heroes who are so important in keeping us all safe, particularly at the moment.
Week 1 – New Year
Week 2 – Police
Week 3 – Paramedics
Week 4 – Fire
Week 5 – School community
Week 6 – Chinese New Year
Week 1 - New Year
Have a look at the power point, we have just had Christmas and the New Year and although celebrations were different to what we are used to there are still things to talk and think about.
Think about your Christmas, what did you do, what presents did you receive or give, what was the best part.
Draw a picture and try to sound out a simple sentence, model the sentence and then let your child write their sentence. Try to make it simple using as many cvc words as you can.
I got a hat.
My tree is in a pot.
The cat is in a box.
The dog had a ball.
If writing a sentence is too much label the picture with initial sounds. t for tree, p for present.
Have a look at the phonics PP identify half of the sounds on the PP, try to think of words which start with that sound. S – snake, sea, smile, sun, maybe write the simple ones like sun down.
Do one sheet of the handwriting a day, you can start with ‘a’ say that the letter A makes the sound ‘a’ think of some words and complete the sheet.
Monday –a
Tuesday – b
Wednesday – c
Thursday – d
Friday – e
Count to 10 forwards and backwards, 20 if you can. Count out 10 objects. Write numbers 1-10 and pieces of paper or card, put them in the correct order. Count out some objects to match the numeral. Numeral 5 count out 5 sweets and so on. Do this randomly and not always in the correct order.
Day 2
Zoom meeting – Try to have prepared the pictures you drew yesterday of something you did in the holidays.
Have a look at the picture, using the sounds that you know write some sentences about the picture.
Sentences should be modelled first then children have a go at writing.
Use the sentence – I can see………..
Go through the other half of the sounds on the PP try to think of some words which start with those sounds.
Read the tricky words. Try to put them in a sentence. I go to the …….
Count to 10 then to 20. Use the numbers from yesterday to count out objects. Place the number cards in the correct order.
It was lovely to see all of you and to see some of the lovely things you had for Christmas.
For our maths and understanding the world we are going to be learning the seasons of the year.
What season are we in? Why do we think that? How do we know? What comes next?
Sing the song.
Draw a picture of winter and label with the sound that you know. s for snow, c for cold, t for tree.
Recap all of the sounds and words from earlier in the week.
Play I spy using the sounds that you know
Phonics - Recap all of the sounds and words. Choose a few - go around the house find objects which start with those sounds.
Physical - if you can find a balloon blow it up and practise throwing and catching it.
Maths - recap the seasons - Learn the months of the year - sing the song
I have attempted to put the cued articulation on to g suite which we will all be using by Monday. I have scheduled this for 10am at the moment. If you can access it please let me know.
Have a look and try to go through those sounds with me.
Maths - roll a dice count back from the number. 6 count 54321. 4 count 321 and so on.
Have a look at g suite oak academy lesson is provided for you.
Personal Development
Have a think, what have you learnt since you started school? What would you like to learn now?
Hopefully the children will be able to say, with a little help, that they have learnt lots of their sounds and some can even blend to make words. They can do their coat up. ride their bike, catch a ball, write their name etc.