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Church of England Primary School

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And here we are at the last week of term.  During Collective Worship the children have learned all about the meaning of advent, though not everyone seems to have quite understood the the purpose of Christmas ('it's to celebrate the death of Guy Fawkes')...

We have made our own advent wreathes and thought about how we could bring light into people's lives.  Your children would like to open their doors to the homeless, as well as buying them houses and campervans to live in!

We went around the village after our Christmas lunch looking for 'signs of Christmas, (part of our RE programme).  Surprise, surprise we ended up in the Cosy Tea Rooms and had a lovely time icing and decorating biscuits and drinking hot chocolate.  

Marshmallow Snowmen!


Christingle Making.

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for all your kind gifts and cards!

We hope you all have a happy holiday.

Hazel Class Team
