Week 4 22.06.2020
So here we are, week 4, over half way through our final term of the school year, can you believe it? We've been working hard in our key worker bubble and it has been great to have so many of our Silver Birch key workers here with us, however we are definitely missing being together as our whole class. Once again we've put lots of learning for you to keep you busy. We'd like you to continue to keep your creativity flowing with our Pandora Project. We'd also really love to hear from you even if it's just a hello to let us know how you're all doing; our inboxes are a bit quiet.
Have another fantastic week, we've been promised some sun so make sure you take the time to get outside to play and make some lovely memories.
Monday 22nd June- Maths and English
Tuesday 23rd June- Maths and English
Wednesday 24th June- Maths and English
Thursday 25th June- Maths and English
Friday 26th June- Maths and English
French- What's his name?
Science Investigation- Can you drop an egg without breaking it?
Topic - The Amazon Rainforest
* Watch some videos to get a feel of what the Rainforest is like.
* Look at the PPTs to get some information about them.
* Complete the amazing facts worksheet. (The headings may need explaining)
* Use the photos (PPT with notes) and fact sheet to complete the 'How places change' sheet.
PSHE - Communities
* Explore the questions and discussion points on the PPT and alongside the images.
* Create your newspaper reports choosing one of the templates.
* Write 1 or more pledges for your community. Consider during the pandemic, and after it's passed. Consider who you will help and how you can do this safely.
Computing - Script writing
Once your video has been planned, you will need to write a script that you can practise and follow during filming. A little improvisation (making it up as you go along!) can also be included.
Watch the BBC video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/english-ks2-write-a-script/z4tmd6f for ideas.
Look at the PPT that shows you how to write a script, then have a go at writing one for your film.
RE - How are babies welcomed? Comparing Humanism to Christianity
* Use the website to explore what being a Humanist is about: https://understandinghumanism.org.uk/uhtheme/celebrations-and-ceremonies/?age=7
* Use the PPT and watch the video to find out how babies are introduced into the world.
* Use the planning sheet to plan your own naming ceremony.
* Draw a leaf and write inside it a promise to a new baby, or advice you would give them.
* Read the 2 poems, and write your own that could be read at a ceremony.
* Write a list of similiarities and differences between a Humanist naming ceremony and a Christian Baptism.
Pandora Continued...
Continue to pick tasks from our Pandora learning last week, if you've not given a writing task a go yet why not try, Eli produced a great story last week- pop over to the page last week and have a read:
Choose the tasks that spark your interests:
Task 1- Design your own Planet- complete with indigenous species and create a poster
Task 2- Write a description of Pandora or your own planet
Task 3- Create a fact file about Pandora or your planet
Task 4- Write a story set upon the planet Pandora or your imaginary planet
Task 5- Create an explanation text for the planet Pandora or the planet you have created
Task 6- Create a set of instructions for caring for one of the creatures that live on either your planet you have created, or Pandora