Star of the Week
This weeks Star of the Week is Alec. You have had a super week this week. I am so impressed with your writing and your own version of The Dragon Machine. I really enjoyed reading it!
Table of the Week
Monkey's are this weeks Table of the Week. Don't forget your show and tell next week!
The children will be visiting the school library every Friday. They will select a book of their choice to bring home. This will be their reading book for the weekend. The library book will need to be returend each week before another book can be selected.
The children had to make their own playdoh creation and discuss how they felt once they had made it (happy, proud, excited). The children had to then squish it and discuss how they felt (sad, worried,upset). We then made the link with Christian ideas about the world as God's creation and what might make God happy about the world, and what might make God sad.
More lacrosse skills in PE today.
In DT this week the children have made their moving dragons making linkages by connecting levers and pivots.
In Art the children choose materials and tools to make textures with paint. We will use the textured paper next week to create collages.