Each School must have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing the running of the School, the appointment of staff, setting the policies the school follows, and ensuring that the financial and procedural affairs are in order. Governors do not get involved in the day to day management of the School - that is for the Headteacher, or the detailed teaching, but they are required to monitor the Curriculum and many other aspects of School life. They are also responsible for the School Buildings and Grounds.
There are fourteen Governors. As a Church of England Aided School the Governing Body is made up of representatives of the Diocese, the Local Authority, the Parochial Church Council, both Teaching and Non Teaching Staff, and Parents. The Headteacher and the Priest in Charge of St Mary's are automatically Governors if they wish. There is a Clerk to the Governors who provides a wide range of administrative services and procedural advice. Currently Trevor Gasson and Edd Robbins are Co-Chairs the Governing Body, and Amanda Honey is Vice Chair.
Elham is particularly fortunate at present in having a number of parents on the Governing Body. Not only are there the two formally elected Parent Governors, but also one representatives of the PCC is a parent.
The main Governing Board normally meets six times a year, but the work of the Governors is undertaken by three Committees that meet more regularly. They cover Strategy, Finance and Property, and Curriculum and Data. Other Committees, such as Pay and Personnel, will meet as required.
If you wish the Governors to be aware of any matter then please contact any Governor, if need be via the School Office. We would far rather be made aware of concerns at an early stage rather than waiting till they have become major issues.
Our Governors
September 2024
Name | Appointed by | Lead areas of Responsibility |
Mr Simon Burvill | PCC | IT Overview / Music |
Mr David Christian | PCC | |
Mr Dan File | Head Teacher Ex Offficio |
Mr Keith Gallon | Local Authority (KCC) | |
Mr Trevor Gasson (Co-Chair) | Diocese | Finance / Pupil Premium |
Mr Ashley Gendek | Parent Governor | H&S / Property |
Ms Amanda Honey (Vice Chair) | PCC | Safeguarding |
Dr Anne LeBaigue | Diocese | SEN / SIP/ Parent Forum |
Mr Ed Robbins (Co-Chair) | Parent Governor | SIAMS |
Mr Nick Shearman | PCC | |
Mrs Claire Short | Staff | Parent Forum |
Mr Martin Turner | PCC | Training & Development |
Mrs Cheryl Vincent | Co-Opted | |
Vacancy | Diocese Ex Offficio | |
Mrs Jenny Gasson (Clerk) |