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Church of England Primary School

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Book Week!

We started the week with some lovely stories read by Mrs Harrison and Mrs Muller - thank you to both ladies forgiving up your time to spend with our class - they all really enjoyed listening to you - especially the Poo at the Zoo book - a popular choice!

We hope that you will be able to bring your children to the book fair after school in the hall this week - there are lots of lovely books to choose!

The children enjoyed hearing the childrens' version of Shakespeare's Anthony and Cleopatra today and we will be basing our learning on the story over the next few weeks.


There is a special Egyptian Exhibition at the British Museum in London running until February, where you can see the actual Rosetta Stone, so if anyone has time in the half term, this would make and interesting day out. Visit their website at :




What a fun day - Kik Theatre, followed by a visit to the International Space Station for a Cosmic Classroom Lesson with Tim Peake! It was fascinating seeing how astronauts on the ISS drink.. and use the toilet!

19.10.20 Illustrator Lizzie Martell came to show us her art. It is AMAZING! The children loved hearing about Lizzie's animal art and having a go at adding emotions to their own mermaid or animal art.

20.10.22   Jo Clarke, author of the book Spellboda, came to talk to us about writing. We learned a lot about using our imaginations and visualising in the writing process. I'm looking forward to reading the next amazing stories that the children write!

21.10.22 We had a visit from 'Tales from the Book of Life.' The children absolutely loved using their imaginations to make up stories and act them out!
