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Church of England Primary School

Respect - Support - Inspire

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Yaaaay! Its always great when the children come straight in and choose to continue their learning from the day before. We've had lots of taking away and number learning this morning. Its so interesting to listen to what they have understood and try to help their friends.

Our learning this week has been about the police.

On Tuesday we had a mindfulness workshop called 'The magical Garden' the children were able to visualise their own garden and what was in it.

Forest School Fun on Friday. It was a bit chilly but nobody seemed to notice. We were far too busy building and climbing to be worried about the weather.



Merit Badges this week   Flossie - for being a supportive friend.

Izzy - for inspiring others in maths.


Gold Awards - Jacob - for his fantastic poster about Canada

Tymur, Effie, Immy. Jasmine, kira -  good work choosing to carry on with maths learning.
