This week in maths we converted numbers into Roman numerals and back again. We also counted in multiples of 25s and 1000s and some of us completed some tricky number brainteasers. We also continued our work on area by looking at compound shapes. In our text we met two new characters and described this moment, we also wrote a scene as a different character, where we considered his version of what had happened. We did a drama and music activity on Wednesday with the next chapter. We were recreating a dream scene, and the music added drama, tension and suspense. We had fun acting these out to the class. To celebrate National Poetry Day, we went on a nature walk around school to inspire our poems about Autumn. In Topic we learnt more about what life was like for the Ancient Egyptians, we discovered what they wore, ate and drank, games they played, what their houses were like to name a few things. We also learnt about the social pyramid. In RE we focused on 9 areas related to the story of Creation and what Christians can learn from these. We also discussed if these areas were important for Non-Christians. We decided that many were, as we all live on this earth and all have a responsibility to look after it. In French we counted up to 20 using a range of songs. In science we continued our Space and Earth topic, this week, we discussed why we have night and day. We particularly enjoyed pretending to be earth, rotating on our axis.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Hall and Miss Laslett