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Church of England Primary School

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Recognising fractions of a set of objects


Look at the PPT and complete the sheets

The sheets have stars for level of difficulty.  Choose your level or do all 3!

Cut out the loop card pictures and play with a family member or match them by yourself.


Use this website to practise matching fractions;

Guided Reading


Thank you to those who handed in their quizzes and descriptions yesterday.

Make sure that you read the text twice before answering the quiz questions.


Complete Chapter 2, the quiz and making up some rules.


Diary entry


The Present


Watch the following film from Literacy shed: 


Write a diary entry detailing how the boy felt about the dog at first and then now.



Use Purple Mash to create a quiz about yourself.  Choose which question type you'd like and write between 5 -10 questions.  It could be about your favourite hobbies, siblings, pets -anything that is about you!

When we're back together as a class, we'll complete the quizzes between us.
