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Church of England Primary School

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Star of the Week

This weeks Star of the Week is Flossie. You are a kind and polite member of Willow class and always super helpful! I have been impressed with your writing this week using command sentences to write instructions for how to make a boat. Well done Flossie!


Table of the Week

Pandas are this weeks Table of the Week. Don't forget your show and tell next week. 


We have named our boats and written instructions for making them using command sentences. Today, we had a go to see if our boats would float!


It's a beautiful sunny day for PE!


We have been talking about the importance of personal hygiene in science. We decided to do an experiement to see how germs spread and then looked at what happens when we wash our hands with soap and water compared with just water. 


The children have been making their own boats just like Finn has done in our story. They will now be writing a list of instructions using command sentences to tell us how to make their boat.
