Term 3
Week 6
Week ending 12.02.2021
Check out the cool palindromic date!
What have we learned this week?
'I learned to add 'ing' and 'ed' to verbs.'
'I learned my 2 x table.'
'I learned the half past and quarter past.'
'I learned where the Great Fire of London started and why it spread so quickly.'
'I learned about directional language.'
'I learned how to build descriptive phrases, using my senses.'
'I practised my cursive handwriting, using the words from Sir Linkalot.'
'I learned about 'fake news' and Safer Internet Day with Digiduck'.
'I learned that God loves what is on the inside.'
'I worked out with Joe Wicks'.
'I learned about counting the stars in the constellation of Orion for the CPRE survey.
'I learned how to make predictions in my writing.'
'I learned about materials and described what things are made from.'
'I made a picture in the style of Kandinsky, using hearts.'