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Friday 3rd March 2022


Hello Everyone


It is great to see a full class again after having so many of you away last term. We have been working hard, as usual, learning how to read and draw pie charts with Mrs Short in Maths, whilst with Mrs Godden we revised telling the time using analogue clocks, how to convert between 12 and 24-hour times and how to calculate time intervals.


In Science this term we are looking at our bodies and how they work, which is really fascinating. We even have a small skeleton hanging from the science display in our classroom! We also started a new topic in RE this week - Salvation - and we will be investigating the Easter story and why Christians believe that Christ died for their sins. We began by looking closely at the Understanding Christianity frieze picture for Salvation and came up with some excellent ideas to describe the symbolism contained within it. Have a look at the picture below and decide what you can see in it.


We are nearly at the end of our 3-D Modelling unit in Computing. This week we wrote the steps for creating a 3-D model of a picture frame and will be creating these at the website. Mrs Godden is looking forward to seeing our finished projects. It's a shame we don't have a 3-D printer so that we could print them all, but sadly the Computing budget will not stretch to it!


Have a great weekend everyone.


Mrs Short and Mrs Godden

The Salvation Frieze Picture from Understanding Christianity
