We have socks to make puppet crocodiles to help us with our understanding of greater than/less than.
The children looked at the Big Frieze today and asked questions about it, trying to dig a little deeper into the events that they learn about in the Bible. They were able to find some things they already knew about too, such as the Feeding of the Five Thousand.

The children are comparing three amounts and ordering them using the words 'greatest' and 'smallest'. Can they spot the mistake?!
This term in Science we have split the class up so that half go and work on the plot while the other half has been doing Science, and then swapped over. Today we had Science outside and enjoyed the wonderful October weather.
We have started looking at number lines in maths today. We discussed how to use a number line correctly, and how important it is to start at the given number before working out what is 1 more or 1 less of that number.
Forest School
Thank you parents for all the vegetables that were sent in, the children thoroughly enjoyed the yummy soup and crusty bread! This week Mr File set the challenge of making an ariel view map using only natural objects, this fitted in brilliantly with our topic learning this term.
Captain Wonderweb and the Esteem Machine.
We were lucky to have a visit from an NHS funded theatre company today. They taught us how important it is to look after our physical and mental health. We talked about what to do and who to talk to if we have any worries, how to eat a balanced diet and how exercise is good for both physical and mental health.