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Church of England Primary School

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Week 5 29.06.2020

Hi all,

I hope you've had a lovely weekend.  I'm really pleased to be back at school this week now that I am feeling better.  Thank you to those that have sent me get well wishes and for those in school that helped make my card.  A massive thank you to my amazing colleagues for holding the fort and for taking over the online learning whilst I've been in bed!

I hope you enjoy your learning this week and can't wait to see what you've been doing.  I'm hoping to arrange another Zoom meeting, so watch this space for your invite.

Take care,

Mrs Hall x

Topic - Samba Carnival


Use the PPTs and watch Brazil/ Rio carnival videos to learn about the Carnival culture of Brazil.

Oddizzi has a good video.

Choose an activity you'd like to do (You're welcome to do more than 1 and I'd love to see your creations)

Design and make (if you can):

* A carnival mask

* A carnival costume

* A musical instrument

* A model of a float.


Think about a theme you could use.


PSHE - Respecting the Law


Use the PPT and discuss with somebody.

Write a guide to British law (Template is attached but isn't necessary to use)

OR create a poster about British law.

Computing - Filming a rehearsal


Take a look at your film script and make any adjustments.

Practise filming using your characters, props and staging.  

Does the script work?

Remember the considerations from the first lesson.

RE - How do Jewish people mark becoming an adult?


Use the PPT to learn about Bar and Bat Mitzvah.

Use the BBC video clips (Google BBC video clips followed by the numbers; 3667, 7469 and 3673 to find them, if not Google BBC Bar and Bat Mitzvah videos) Use the website to find more information.  Follow the tabs, 'What we do', 'time', then 'Life cycle'.


Choose your activity;

* Create an information leaflet about these celebrations.

* Write a letter to someone explaining about these celebrations.

* Write a postcard of congratulations to someone that is having a Bar or Bat Mitzvah.


INCLUDE - As much information as you can about what the celebration is about, it's history, the meaning of the celebration for a Jewish person, what happens during the celebrations.


Miles' Carnival mask ( a scarlet macaw bird) and lego musical instruments.

RE - Bar and Bat Mitzvah cards by the Key Worker bubble. Beautiful messages inside :)

George's fabulous bright carnival mask
