Star of the Week
Kira is this weeks Star of the Week. You have been so engaged with our learning this week and have had your hand up lots on the carpet which is brilliant. I have been impressed with your writing this week as you are working independently and have used some ambitious vocabulary!
Table of the Week
Pandas are this weeks Table of the Week. Don't forget your show and tell on Monday!
Teddy Day
The children loved bringing their teddies in today. They were very well behaved!
We have been finding out about life in China and we have been looking at some special items that CJ's daddy gave us from China. The children loved the lantern which lit up!
We have been listening to the story of The Willow Pattern Plate. We looked at a real willow pattern plate and then had a go at drawing our own.
In PE the children practised their passing skills!
Design and Technology
The children have been looking at how objects move. They have made linkages that move on a pivot.
In Maths the children have been reading and writing numbers to 100.