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Term 3

Week 6

Take a look at two budding pianists!


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Still image for this video

A visit from the fire service

In Maths we are continuing to focus on subtraction and this week we have used number lines to count back.


In Design and Technology the children have designed their own vehicle based on all our learning so far. There are some fabulous vehicle designs. A letter has gone home with your child this evening with details about the things they need to bring in for their vehicle. We will be making them after half term.




Performing our spine poems to the class.

Kic Theatre Company - drama about toys!

Week 5

In Design & Technology the children made the body of a vehicle. They came up with some lovely ideas and had a great time cutting and sticking! Next week the children will be designing their own vehicle to make after half-term. 


Design & Technology - building the body of a vehicle

Writing our spine poems

Gymnastics - learning to use the vault

Making our own puzzles

Drawing directions for the beebot

Week 4

This week we have been lucky enough to have Mr Ireland show us lots of toys children used to play with.  Some of these toys are still around today, but most of them are not made out of wood.


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

In maths the children are continuing to explore subtraction. They enjoyed buying items in a pretend shop on Monday and finding out how many were left.


In English the children created a class spine poem about Basil Brush. They used some excellent adjectives and verbs to describe him - here is the poem below.


That’s Basil Brush!

Bushy tail swishes

Shiny eyes twinkle

Sharp teeth snap

Strong legs pounce

That’s Basil Brush.


In Geography we are finding out about where we live. Today we looked at the four countries of the United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales). See if your child can remember the name of each of the countries capital city?

Week 2

We are creating a toy museum!  So far all we have in the museum are two old teddy bears belonging to Ms Shepherd and Mr Fergusson (so they are a fair old age...).  Do you have any of your childhood  toys that the children could bring to school for our museum?  

Toy Museum Display

In Computing today the children filmed each other explaining how the beebots work.  After that they practised programming their beebots.  Mrs Godden was very impressed with their listening skills!

First and second attempts at following instructions

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Still image for this video

Instructions for programming Beebots


Week 1

A very happy new year to you all!  

The theme of this term and next term is 'A toy's story'.  In the next week or so, if you go onto the section of the website entitled Key Information and scroll down to Curriculum 2020 and click on the icon you will find our medium term plans.  If you click on this you will be able to take a look at all the areas of learning Hazel Class will be focussing on.  Wherever possible we will try to link the children's learning to the central theme of toys; for example in history we will be looking at old and new toys.

The role-play area has been transformed into a work shop and we have asked the children to bring in one small toy each so that they can build homes for them.  

On the subject of bringing things in, children love to bring in all sorts of things and show them to the rest of the class, but we would ask you to only send in things they have made or photographs of things they have made relating to our central theme.  Thank you!


Each child has a purse in their book bag.  Inside the purse are 5 tricky words for them to practise spelling at home.  Please help your child to learn their spellings!  We will be checking them on different days next week, so please keep the purse in the book bag.  If  your child spells the words correctly then we will replace them with new words.  If they don't they will stay in the purse!

Constructing a home for a toy

Talking about current day toys

Practising how to form the letter b correctly
