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Church of England Primary School

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WC 03.06.24

Welcome back to Term 6 - the last one of a year that has flown by, I'm sure you'd agree!

Monday was a strange day in Beech class, as we had the majority of the Year 5s at a taster day at St Anselm's Secondary school, and year 4s were swimming in the afternoon.  We still did lots of learning, including some tricky fraction problems; thinking about which calculation to use, and carefully understanding the question.  We proof read sentences in english, considering the mistakes that had been made and how to correct them.  The 5 year 5s in the afternoon began to create some Powerpoint presentations about their year 5 experience. On Tuesday we started our new text, The River Singers and made predictions based on the front cover, title, blurb and prologue.  There certainly were some very imaginative ideas.  In the afternoon, we had  visitors from St Mary's church to teach us all about the organ, and organs all around the world.  We learnt many facts, as well as lots about sounds used in music.  In RE, we have gone back to leanring about Sikhs; this time how they worship and learnt many things about their holy book; the Guru Granth Sahib and how it is treated like a human- even being put to bed each night!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hall and Miss Laslett
