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Church of England Primary School

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Here are the spellings for next Friday's spelling challenge. Children will practice writing their spellings in early morning work on Tuesday and write some of these spellings into sentences. Children will go home today with their spelling group and spellings highlighted. 

Star of the Week

This weeks Star of the Week is Zach. You have had an excellent week!


Table of the Week

Pandas are this weeks table of the week. Don't forget you can bring in a show and tell on Tuesday next week. 


The children had great fun playing the glockenspiels in music today!

In RE today the children listened to the story of creation and then explored the story in different ways acting out scenes from the days of creation and exploring different music types. We then focused on the question 'What does the story tell us about what God is like?' The children generated some amazing ideas and super discussion!

We are continuing with our story The Dragon Machine and this week in the story George is having all sorts of trouble with the pesky dragons who are messing things up and breaking things. George is worried the dragons are becoming too troublesome to stay unnoticed for much longer! We decided to write letters of advice to tell George what he should and could do and then included in the letter what we would do. Here are some examples. 

A map also arrived in the classroom on Tuesday and the children think it is from a faraway land perhaps where George's dragons come from. The children used positional language (prepositions) to label and annotate all the places where they think dragons might be found!
