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Church of England Primary School

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Geography  Curriculum Intent


At Elham C of E Primary School the teaching of Geography aims to inspire and give the children an insight into our world and the people who live in it.


Children will learn about different places, people, resources and natural and human environments.  They will see how physical and human processes interact, how landscapes and environments have been formed and used by people over time.


Throughout their schooling pupils will gain knowledge about the location of significant places, alongside their physical and human characteristics.


Children will learn about natural processes, which form the world physically and cause it to change over time.


Their geographical skills will include:


• collecting, analyzing and understanding data collected through fieldwork.

• Interpreting different sources of geographical information (maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs & Geographical Information Systems (GIS).

• Communicating the information they acquire through a variety of ways (maps, writing & charts). 


Through Geography the pupils will inherit a curiosity and fascination about the world, which will become increasingly relevant to them as they gain first hand experience of it.


Geography Long Term Plan
