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Church of England Primary School

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Please find below a copy of the email sent to parents this afternoon:


Dear Parents,


Just to clarify - for our French Focus day on Wednesday 13th, children are invited to dress up as their favourite French personality - artist, sportsperson, fashion designer, or even the colours of the French flag. If they don't want to dress up, school uniform is fine too!


For our whole school performance next Tuesday and Thursday we will be singing and dancing to a song from the 1950s. If children could dress up in something typical of the era - leggings and a t-shirt for the girls and jeans and a white t-shirt for the boys. Please follow this link for ideas:,g_1:women%27s:yfILVS0F7KQ%3D,g_1:casual:J65kp6pCX_A%3D,online_chips:jeans:dEtJa5l9iRI%3D&rlz=1C1GCEA_enGB814GB814&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3x4isjPH4AhWN4oUKHRlcA4MQ4lYoAXoECAEQJQ&biw=1903&bih=951


We're very much looking forward to our performance and look forward to seeing you there.


Kind regards


Mrs Strover

La journee francaise! We have had a brilliant day, finding out about Bastille Day, tasting French food and playing boules on the village green! And there were some great costumes too!

More Wonderful Puppets!!

We had a great time at the park!
