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Church of England Primary School

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There are a lot of children off from Silver Birch today - we hope you are not feeling too bad and wish you all a speedy recovery! If your child has ANY symptoms, please do test before sending them to school.

For anyone who is well enough here is an idea of what we've been covering today:

Maths - adding pairs of 2 digit numbers by first adding the tens, then the ones - see sheet

English - dramatizing a scene from our story Cloud Tea Monkeys

This afternoon, we will cover pitch in Science and investigate how sounds are higher and lower, thinking about the size of the vibrations (amplitude).

Tuesday Topic


Look at the information about Indian Wildlife. Which animals are Endangered? What does this mean?

Which are Least Concerned? What does that mean? Find all the animals that are Vulnerable and Critically Endangered - find out what these terms mean. Write a report about Indian Wildlife. Colour in your favourite animal and explain why its your favourite.

Wednesday Maths

In Maths on Tuesday, we discovered that a lot of the children are not fluent in their knowledge of number bonds to ten, so on Wednesday we will be doing lots of practical activities to cement this knowledge. I f you are working at home please use Lego, bottle tops, counters - whatever you can lay your hand on and practise finding the pairs that make up ten. Then do the worksheet below.

Year 3: Practise number bonds to 10

Green table and year 4: Try the challenge cards - do the one star questions 1-10

Thursday Maths


In Maths this Thursday and Friday we are continuing our learning about mass. Can you remember how many grams equal 1kilogram?


If you are at home you could practise weighing different objects and recording the mass (extra activity for fun!).


Look at the table showing the mass of different objects. Record these weights in the barchart and use the barchart to answer the questions.

Thursday English


Today we have been learning about the prefixes dis, mis and un. Adding Prefixes to the beginning of a word changes the meaning.



Add prefixes dis/mis/un to root words to create new words. Sort them into the correct column.


Challenge Activity – write sentences including words containing dis/mis/un.

Thursday R.E.


Watch the next part in the story of Moses and the Exodus:

Draw a picture of the escape through the Red Sea and write one or more sentences to describe the miracles God used to lead His people to freedom. Remember our learning from last week – as well as parting the sea, God sent plagues as a warning to Pharaoh.

Handwriting Practice


We normally practise our handwriting and spellings on Friday mornings! 

Friday Maths


We have been learning to read and interpret different scales as we measure mass. Can you complete these challenge questions? 


Everyone should have a go at completing the first page. If you want to challenge yourself, carry on to complete page 2 as well!

Friday English


The Grammar Goblin has added the prefix un- to all the words in the word search. Find all the words to complete the Grammar Goblin's challenge! When you have completed the word search, write at least 3 sentences including one of the words in each sentence.

Friday Art


We have been learning about Rangoli patterns in Art this term. This week I would like you to create a symmetrical rangoli design. Choose your favourite picture and complete the symmetrical design, colour to make it beautiful! 
