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Church of England Primary School

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Friday 13th May 2022


Hello Everyone 


We did it! We made it to the end of the dreaded SATs tests! We all tried our very hardest and deserve to get good results, but now we just have to wait a while to find out. From Monday to Thursday, Mr File treated us all to breakfast in The Orchard. We enjoyed a variety of food, including cereals, croissants and bacon sandwiches - we could smell the bacon for days afterwards!  A big 'Thank you' goes to Mr File for taking the time to do this for us - we really appreciated it. We were also lucky in that had lovely warm, sunny days all week when we could benefit from longer playtimes in between the tests.


We also loved creating pieces of artwork in the style of the term's featured artist - the illusive street artist, Banksy - this week. These will be going on display in the school art gallery for the beginning of next term (along with other pieces from all the other children in school) and they will also appear on our class page soon, so keep an eye out for them.


After writing the first drafts of our first short stories in French last week, we improved them this week and then began to write and illustrate our best copies in 'mini' books. This was the first time we had used a single sheet of A3 paper to create an eight-page booklet - if you would like to see how we did this, click on the link below.  Our finished copies will be going on display very soon.


That's all for now folks!


Have a great weekend and see you all next week.


Mrs Short and Mrs Godden
