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Church of England Primary School

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Term 3

Week 2

Week ending 15.1.21


An exciting week with online learning being presented interactively from Google Classroom.  Meeting six times a day, it is lovely to be able to see the children and talk to them and for them to chat to their classmates.


What have we learned this week?


'I learned my 5 x table.'

'I learned the 'le' ending to words.'

'I learned to use an apostrophe for contraction.'

'I learned how to unmute myself!'

'I learned how to use the part whole model for addition and subtraction.'

'I learned about the uses of materials.'

'I learned about Saul and how he changed his mind and followed Jesus.'

'I wrote a prayer about wisdom.'

'I drew a picture about what makes me happy.'

'I learned about The Great Fire of London and The Monument.'

'I learned how to use my number bonds to 20 to help with addition and subtraction.'

'I learned how to make a sculpture in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.'

'I exercised with Joe Wicks!'
