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Church of England Primary School

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School Improvement

Every year, the school sets a School Improvement Plan. The areas of the plan are discussed and agreed upon by all staff and governors. These objectives are reviewed regularly to ensure progress in the agreed areas.

The plan for the academic year running from September 2023 to July 2024 is outlined below. 

School Improvement Plan 2024/25

School Improvement Plan 2023/24





Ensure the delivery of a BROAD & BALANCED curriculum over the year.

  • Kapow for Art, DT and PSHE.
  • Music training and development of the curriculum using Charanga.

Review our home learning policy.



Times Tables 

Review the policy with all stakeholders in term 2.

(TT Rockstars to be explored)

Subject leader action plans must be submitted by the end of September and regularly reviewed by the Curriculum Committee.


Subject Action plans completed for all subjects.

  • Assessment of the curriculum to be included.


Introduction and implementation of The Literacy Tree.

All classes are to use TLT from September.

Regular updates from all staff meetings.


Explore options for whole-school handwriting teaching.

Staff meeting early in September to agree on the whole school overview/scheme.


Develop the curriculum to suit the children.

Use White Rose to ensure coverage and add a variety of resources to the teaching and learning.

White Rose to be used to ensure complete coverage.  Other resources to be used to ensure that the children are challenged and make progress linked to their ability.                                                    


Personal Development


All stakeholders to understand their responsibilities within #TeamElham. 

Children have roles and responsibilities during the day-to-day activities within the school. 


Behaviour Policy to be followed by everyone.

Raffle tickets to be used as rewards for expected and good behaviour.

Policy to be shared with all parents. 


Actively promote resilience in all we do.  Encourage children to find out for themselves.

Resilience programme to be investigated.


Stakeholder CPD

Develop links with Hub Schools

Linking with the Hub for


  • Moderation (dates in the diary)
  • Year group link-ups.
  • Headteacher meetings.
  • Sports events.

TA Meetings

Regular TA meetings to be organised.

Staff Meetings 

The Staff Meeting timetable is to be added to the school calendar.

Subject leaders to deliver input at one staff meeting during the year.


WT to be used as a termly focus for discussion of classroom practice. 

Chartered College of Teaching

Staff offered membership to support CPD.

(5 staff opted for a membership. 

Creative Education

CPD for all.  Everyone to explore CPD that upskills them in areas they choose.

HT to also direct staff to various CPD opportunities linked to continued improvement across the school. 


Parental Engagement

Learning Together Events

Website overview 12.09.23 (0 turnout)

Reading 20.11.23

Maths 01.12.23


Science 12.03.24

Parent Forum to be restarted.


Home School Agreement

HSA to be reviewed with all stakeholders.
