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Church of England Primary School

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Term 4

Term 4

Week 1

Week ending 1.3.19


What an exciting day we had on Tuesday!  We went to the Three Hills Sports Centre to play football against eight other teams.  The weather was incredible - warm and sunny - and we were very impressed with the sportsmanship displayed by the Willows.  Flynn and Ollie received medals for showing the games' values and playing well - well done boys!  Sarah, who organises the Shepway Sport for Schools, complimented our children on their excellent behaviour:  we were very proud of them and how they represented our school.


What else have we learned this week?


'I learned my 2 x table.'

'I learned how to make a 'Rodney, the Right-angle Cruncher!'

'I learned how to measure right-angle corners.'

'I learned the < (less than) and > (greater than) signs.'

'I learned how to write a recount of our visit to the Three Hills.'

'I learned how to edit my work.'

'I learned how to compare the suitability of different materials.'

'I learned how to write word problems.'

'I learned the 'wa' and 'qua' phonemes/graphemes.'


Star of the week:  Jacob for showing a sustained improvement in his writing - well done Jacob!

Term 4

Week 2

Week ending 8.3.19


We had our first experience of Forest School with Ms. Waters on Monday, which was very exciting!  The children were able to explore the woodland area loaned by our very kind neighbour Mary, from The Old Vicarage.  They climbed trees, made animal dens and swung on the hammock - all displaying great teamwork.


What else have we learned this week?


'I learned my 5 x table.'

'I learned the 'zh' phoneme, as in 'vision' and 'beige.'

'I learned where to use quotation marks.'

'I learned about J.W.M. Turner.'

'I made a jig-saw puzzle out of a picture by Turner.'

'I learned how to do column addition, carrying a ten.'

'I learned how to do column subtraction.'

'I learned to compose music on the xylophone, using Lego.'

'I wrote a prayer about perseverance.'

'I learned how to do maths word problems.'


Star of the week:  Flynn for making a great effort with his handwriting.

Term 4

Week 3

Week ending 15.3.19


It was Science Week!  We had great fun with the teacher (Charlotte) and students from North School doing practical Physics, Chemistry and Biology.  Mrs. Levitt helped us investigate the properties of nappies and  with Pfizers we experimented with a non-Newtonian liquid - Gloop!  On Friday, Karen from Affinity Water helped us to purify water and we tested different papers to see which were flushable.  We learned such a lot from Science Week and thank Mrs. Strover for arranging it.


What else have we learned?


'I learned my 10 x table.'

'I learned what a plural is.'

'I learned how to make plurals, if a word ends in a 'y'.'

'I learned about the Easter Story.'

'I learned about Joseph Mallord William Turner.'

'I used chalk pastels to make a picture in the style of Turner.'

'I made a multi- media picture in the style of Turner.'

'I learned how to write a recount.'

'I learned how to do column subtraction.'

'I learned how to do column subtraction, borrowing from the tens column.'

'I learned what a simile is.'

'I learned the similes that are common sayings.'

'I investigated the properties of different materials to see if they could change shape, stretch, bend, twist and return to their original shape.'

'I climbed a tree in Forest School.'

'I made an an animal den in Forest School.'

'I learned that only toilet paper is really flushable, because it breaks down in the water.'

'I learned how to do an underarm pass and a chest pass in PE.'


Star of the week: Riley for keeping up an excellent standard of work.

Term 4

Week 4

Week ending 22.3.19


What have we learned this week?


'I learned my 3 x table.'

'I learned the 'ble' ending.

'I learned the 'er' phoneme.'

'I learned how to paint a picture in the style of  J.M.W. Turner.'

'I learned how to write a letter of thanks to Karen from Affinity Water.'

'I learned the Commutative Law, which means you can choose which number you add first.' 

'I learned how to check my subtraction number sentence was correct by doing the opposite operation - adding.'


Star of the Week :  Hadley for settling down really well into class and producing very good maths and writing.

Term 4

Week 5

Week ending 29.3.19


On Friday we had a very exciting day!  After lunch we played cricket games with Max from All stars.  The weather was beautiful and for most of the children this was their first taste of the sport.  After this it was the blessing of George Crow's lovely wooden story telling seat in the Forest School with Rev. Jane.  George came to Elham School and his wife spoke movingly about his life as part of the Elham community.


It was lovely to meet with the Mums and Dads again for Parents' Evenings!  Happy Mothering Sunday to all our Mums!


What else have we learned this week?


'I learned my 2 x table.'

'I learned the 'ful', 'ly' and 'ness' suffixes.'

'I learned about the snow leopard, so I could write a report about how it is endangered.'

'I learned to write four number sentences ( two addition and two subtraction) using just three numbers.'

'I learned addition is the opposite of subtraction.'

'I learned to write four number sentences (two multiplication and two division) using just three numbers.'

'I learned that division is the opposite of multiplication.'

'I painted a seascape in the style of J.M.W. Turner.'

'I learned to weave with a warp and a weft, using paper strips.'

'I learned about the Easter story and sequenced pictures to tell the story.'

'I made a Mothering Sunday card, which was a moving rocking horse.'


Star of the Week:  Anabelle for an excellent standard of work.


Term 4

Week 6

Week ending 5.4.19


This week I will be delivering the second SRE lesson to Willow Class. Details can be found on this website.

On Thursday, we were very proud of our class, when the Willows performed with their glockenspiels in the school Music Concert.

On Friday afternoon, we enjoyed going to church for our Easter Service.


What have we learned this week?


'I learned how to make a stick man in Forest School.'

'I wrote a story about my stick man.'

'I wrote instructions on how to make a stick man.'

'I wrote a recount about Forest School.'

'I learned my 5 x table.'

'I learned the graphemes which make the phoneme 'sh', including: 'si', 'ti', 'ci', 'ch' and 'su'.'

'I learned how to find 1/2, 1/4 and 3/4 of shapes.'

'I learned that 2/4 is the same as 1/2.'

'I learned that a whole shape is 1.'

'I learned to find a half, a quarter and a third of a number.'

'I learned about the Easter Story.'

'I made a jigsaw, pop-up Easter card.'


Have a wonderful, restful Easter holiday!


