This week the children have continued to lay the foundations for understanding multiplication (not a year 1 word!). They have been pairing socks and grouping counters in twos, fives and tens.
We have made a Mezuzah and slipped a prayer inside asking God to look after the family. Beware! Your children are hoping to stick these to the door frame when they get them home!
This week, for our boats that float, we have used paper and made origami boats. We have practised our listening and following instructions skills! After each instruction our boats started to look less and less like boats...We didn't think our paper boats would float because paper isn't waterproof, so we were surprised when one boat held 19 animals!!!
Today we planted our potato in a bucket for the Elham Garden Society competition. We then drew a picture of a potato plant and labelled all the parts we knew. We then went back over our words and checked the sounds within them, we had a lot of "rots" instead of "roots" and "sems" instead of " stems". We talked about how important it is to really think about what sounds we are using in words.
We used the ipads to research how and why seaside holidays became popular in the Victorian times. The children couldn't believe that some people had never been to the beach as holidays weren't like they are today.