Friday 11th December
Well what a great pantomime day we have had. It was wonderful to see so many of the class dressed up as their favourite characters (see the photos below) and we had fun in the morning learning how pantomimes are produced, from the songs to the dances and even how some of the costumes were made. Then this afternoon we enjoyed watching Jack and the Beanstalk by Peter Duncan (how many of you parents remember him from Blue Peter?).
It was a traditional pantomime with goodies and baddies as well as Buttercup, the pantomime cow - if you fed her a banana, she even made banana milkshake! We cheered and booed, joined in with the songs and shouted 'It's behind you!' and 'Oh no you didn't!' and generally had a really fun time. We were even treated to some popcorn and chocolate coins which were thrown to us as the audience. What a great day it was. Thank you Mr File for arranging for us to watch a virtual pantomime. Hopefully we will make it back to The Marlowe next year though.
Next week we have lots more Christmas activities to look forward to including crafting and baking.
Have a great weekend everyone and remember - Stay Safe.
P.S. As a special Christmas treat, there will be no spelling test next week, although there will be some to learn over the Christmas break.
Thursday 10th December
Hello Everyone
What a busy week we have had so far. Forest school with Mr File was great fun - he made us delicious vegetable soup (of which Oscar A drank five cups!) and our usual hot chocolate too. All that was missing were the marshmallows for toasting. Maybe next time Mr File?!
We have created some amazing artwork for Mrs Short. Our pictures are of winter cityscapes with snowy backgrounds. It's the first time we have tried these and they have turned out really well. Below you will see some photos of us at work, as well as our completed artworks which are now up on display in class.
As we are fast approaching Christmas, many of our activities have a festive focus this week. In French we have learnt about French Christmas (Noel) traditions and coloured in a Christmas tree following French instructions. For this week's reading comprehension, we have been studying the well-know poem 'Twas The Night Before Christmas' and in maths we have had to solve mathematical puzzles to find out which elf stole the mince pie!
Fun at Forest School - Tuesday 8th December

Our Finished Cityscapes - don't they look great?

Working hard on our Winter Cityscapes