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Church of England Primary School

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Star of the Week

Hugo is this weeks Star of the Week. You have settled so well into Willow class! You are a great mathematician and clearly explain your thinking. In English you are really working hard and have produced some lovely written work. Well done!

Table of the Week

Monkeys are this weeks Table of the Week - I am looking forward to your show and tell next week!


Our learning question this term is 'Why does Easter matter to Christians?' 

We tasted pancakes and hot cross buns and discussed the symbolism of these foods for some Christians. We then thought about what is really important at Easter for Christians. 



Has anyone seen Goldilocks?


The children enjoyed basketball in PE today. 


In Maths we have been sharing to make equal groups. 


A strange (but familiar) person has been in our classroom and eaten the porridge!

The children realised it had to be Goldilocks! They thought of words to describe Goldilocks to help PC Colllins find her. 


The children have been mark making using charcoal.
