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Church of England Primary School

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Term 3

Wow! What a lot we have covered this term! The children have all worked really hard this week. Many ask me for homeowrk, so I have set an optional homework project for half term: make a poster about EITHER: the life of Moses, OR: the 10 commandments. This is for our classroom RE display. Our new TEAM STARS will be awarded to every child who completes the work and returns it by Wednesday 27th February. There will be a prize for the best poster. Remember to make it interesting and eye catching!

Have a brilliant half term!


Thank you for your generous donations towards our class elephant fostering. The children voted to foster "Aitong" - there will be more details about him coming soon...

Meantime, you can log onto and search for Aitong to read more about his rescue and rehabilitation.


Mental Health Week

This week we have been focusing on positive emotions and wellbeing.

The children made a "WWW" book: What Went Well? We will be writing in it every morning with 3 things that went well the day before - maybe they enjoyed a chapter of their reading book, had a nice cuddle on the sofa, enjoyed the feeling of clean sheets, had a delicious dinner or earned some team points - something simple that made them smile. Alongside this they have made some "Jars of Sweetness", which contain positive messages they have written about themselves and received from classmates, which they can add to and look back at when they're feeling sad or lonely to remind themselves how special they are and how others think they are important.

We hope you can join us for Maths on Monday - I promise not to put anyone on the spot with times tables, though I can't guarantee the children won't! The children would relish the opportunity to show you how they work in Maths.

Have a lovely weekend


Last week the children wrote some amazingly persuasive letters, which they are bringing home this afternoon. Please help them adopt an elephant with the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust as explained in their letters.

Today we have been learning about how sound travels and exploring this with string telephones - they really work! Ask your child how!

This week is Internet Safety week as well as Childrens' Mental Health week. We have already have some discussions about Internet Safety and wil be doing more on this subject this week. We will be exploring our mental health and wellbeing and have asked the children to bring in a jam jar for Thursday for an exercise in positivity.

String telephones


Happy New Year! Welcome back to term 3!

Thank you so much for all your kind Christmas gifts. I hope you had a super holiday and wish you all a very Happy New Year.

The children have already been working hard this term. Year 5s have been enjoying Forest School on Tuesday afternoons with Mr File and Mr Ireland, whilst Year 4s have been practising Maths problems, learning about modal verbs, researching elephant orphans and making recycled elephants.

In Science this term we are learning about Sound and yesterday the children did a presentation explaining how we hear sounds.

We have a parents drop in session next Wednesday (23rd January), so do come in and see some of your child's work!
