We have had a fantastic start to the year in Beech class. The children new to the class have settled in quickly, and the others have been welcoming and pleased to be back, especially the Year 5s as a class together again.
Monday was a day full of information and admin as well as some 'getting to know each other' games. We wrote about our summer holidays; the good and the bad times that were had. We explored our school vision, values and Bible narrative, thinking about what they mean to us and to Elham school community. The history topic was introduced, which is The Romans, which the children all seemed excited about. We also discussed different history time periods, and how they go into chronological order. Our first maths lesson involved looking at different ways we can represent number, and in RE we learnt how to find Bible references.
At the latter end of the week, maths lessons with Miss Laslett involved converting between metric measures of length, this involved creating a human place value chart which the children all enjoyed! In our English lesson we looked at the different sentence types and how they might be punctuated depending on the intended impact. In our first science lesson we used the 'vertebrate song' to help us identify some of the different cattegories animals can be grouped into. On friday we had a computer-less computing lesson to enable the children to get their heads around the idea of inputs and outputs without a digital device. Finally on Friday afternoon, in PSHE we were discussing the different food groups and their importance within a healthy diet - it was very interesting to hear what the children had eaten the night before! To end the day, we had our music lesson where we listened to Make You Feel My Love by Adele and began to learn the first verse.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as we can at the 'Meet the Teacher' event next Wednesday after school.
Reading records and Homework will be due in next Wednesday morning.
Have a lovely weekend, and enjoy the sunshine whilst we still have it.
Mrs Hall and Miss Laslett