Star of the Week
Eloise is this weeks Star of the Week. I have been impressed with your focus and determination in Maths this week finding halves, quarters and thirds. I really enjoyed your version of The Journey Home, it was thoughtfully and carefully written and presented beautifully! Well done this week Eloise, keep it up!
Table of the Week
Monkeys are this weeks Table of the Week. Don't forget your show and tell next week!
Forest School (Friday)
Chips in the rain today!
Forest School (Thursday)
The children made delicious vegetable soup today. Whilst the soup was cooking the children built homes for the beanie babies!
The children have been writing persuasive letters about why we need to save the organutans. They then edited and improved their letters and today they presented their letters to the rest of the class ensuring they were speaking loudly and clearly. The letters are very persuasive!!