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Church of England Primary School

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Thank you to everyone that came to visit Beech class during the Christmas Fayre and supported our games.

This week in maths we have been using prime, square and cubed numbers and seeing how they all link together with other concepts, such as area.  We have been using lots of our times tables knowledge to help us.  In english we wrote what may have been on the Ancient Egyptian scroll in our story, we had many imaginative ideas and children really exploring their use of effective language.  We have now begun to plan our own version of the story.  In Topic we learnt about the pyramids; different types, how they were built, why they were built, what they look like inside and many facts and statistics about them.  In RE we shared our Christian Christmas adverts performances.  Some of them were very emotive and could easily be produced for mainstream TV by John Lewis!  They really reflected the true meaning of Christmas, rather than the commercialised types that are on television sometimes.  We learnt Mary had a Little Lamb on the recorder using the 3 notes that we have been learning.  The children picked this up really quickly, and they did sound good as a class.  In DT, the children brought in lots of different flavoured cakes to taste test, and planned their own designs and ideas for their own cakes.  

Have a good weekend,

Mrs Hall and Miss Laslett
