Term 3
Week ending 8.1.21
Week 1
Lovely to have some of you in school and brilliant to see most of you at our Zoom meeting!
What have we learned this week?
'I learned my 5 x table.'
'Multiples of 5 end in a 0 or a 5.'
'I learned to add two digit numbers using the Bar Method. We added the tens together first and then the ones (units). Then we added added the answers together to get the total.'
'I learned the alternative graphemes for the 'igh' sound.'
'I learned to join sentences with 'and' , 'but', 'then' and 'because'.'
'I learned about the uses of some materials.'
'I learned to make straight and curved lines to make patterns.'
'I drew patterns we found outside.'
'I made a card telling my 'Good News'.'
'I made a list of my special people and explained why they were special to me.'
'I learned about the countries that make up the UK. and their capital cities. I located them on a map and identified the surrounding seas.'
Dear Parents and Children,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you a very happy, healthy New Year!
I am very sorry I won't be seeing your lovely faces back in Willow Class today - I have missed you!
I hope you will have a look at the Weekly Planning for this week and dip in to what we would be learning in class. Do email me if you need help!
I have recorded some Christmas stories for you to listen to - I hope you have seen them -and I will be putting more stories online to help you with your learning.
Stay safe and have fun (it might even snow on Thursday!).
Lots of love,
Mrs. Ferguson x