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Church of England Primary School

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Term 1 

Week 5 

Week ending 2.10.20


What a busy week we have had!  On Tuesday, we planted daffodil bulbs in pots, so that we can take them home to our mums in March for Mothering Sunday, then on Thursday everyone enjoyed their school dinner packed lunch and on Friday beautiful photos were taken of your children!


What have we learned this week?


'I learned the alternative graphemes for the phoneme 'oo','u', and 'oul'.

'I learned to write words with the alternative graphemes for the 'oo'. phoneme.'

'I learned about The Creation and can sequence the story.'

'I learned to make a symmetrical pattern out of 2D shapes.'

'I learned how to make a Story Map of 'Journey.'

'I learned to write sentences describing what I could see in 'Journey.'

'I learned to write a recount of planting my daffodil bulb.'

'I learned number bonds to 10.'

'I learned number bonds to 20.'

'I learned to subtract 10 from a two digit number.'

'I learned to use the computer to take a Star Reading Assessment.'




