
Guided Reading activities embrace our new values Respect, Support & Inspire and activities involving these. The children are hopefully respecting, supporting and inspiring each other as they work together!
In Science the children have been finding things made of wood and coming up with words they could use to describe how the wood feels. They went on a wood hunt in the classroom to find things that were JUST made of wood. It was surprising how few things there were.

In RE we are learning about the good news that Jesus brought. The children are learning about some of the miracles, but also that Jesus brought friendship, forgiveness and peace to the world. The story of Matthew the Tax Collector shows them how Jesus sought out sinners and forgave them, but also that he discouraged people who considered themselves good from being too complacent about themselves. They acted the story through role play, taking it in turns to be tax collecters, Roman soldiers and people of Israel and talked about how it felt to be in these roles.
We have been continuing our learning in Maths looking at number lines. Today the children learnt the word "estimate" and what this means. They then had a numbered square each and had to estimate where to put themselves on our number line on the playground, We were very impressed!
A big thank you to Alannah and Eloise for bringing in a car and a teddy that their parents had as children, the children loved looking at them and hearing about them from the girls.
We looked at toys from the Victorian Era to the Modern Day during todays lesson. The children were then set the challenge of using different resources to find out about these toys. The ipads proved a hit!
When looking at toys from the 1990's Mrs Fitzgerald and I had a great time reliving our youth!
This week we have been looking at "Kindness", how we can be kind and why it is so important to others. Ask your children about the toothpaste experiment! The toothpaste represented our unkind words and how they are hard to take back once they've been said.
Our first attempt at playing the Glockenspiel was a great success today! We were looking at Latin style music and learnt how to play a basic accompaniment to our song "In The Groove".