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Church of England Primary School

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Adding amounts of money.

Work through the powerpoint and then choose the right level sheet for you.  Play the shop game and do the greater than, less than equal to slides if you have time and would like a bit more practice.  Also if you find the practical shop activity easier please stick to this and have a go at the sheets when you feel more confident.


Guided Reading

Continue with Chapter 5 of Alien Hotel and complete the quiz and postcard activity. 


Using your picture and descriptive words from yesterday write a short story about receiving your present.  Were you expecting the gift?  How did you feel before unwrapping the gift and afterwards?  What did you do first?  Try to add as much detail as possible and remember to read through your work as you go to check for spellings and to ensure it makes sense.  I look forward to reading them! 


Use your items from the scavenger hunt we did in our zoom lesson or choose some others.  Draw them and label with the colour in French.  You can also name the item in French as well if you would like.


We are starting our new topic today on Animals including Humans.  Today we will be looking at nutrition.  Work through the powerpoint including the food groups sheet and then choose a suitable level sheet on what nutrients do for us.

If you would like to you can keep a food nutrition diary for a few days.
