Star of the Week
This weeks Star of the Week is Atarah. You have made so much progress since joining our class. Your independent work in English this week was excellent and I enjoyed reading your letter of advice to Lizzy using a range of sentence types. You are kind, caring and so polite! Well done Atarah.
Table of the Week
Monkeys are Table of the Week. Don't forget to bring in your show and tell next week!
The children used a range of sources (eyewitness accounts, diaries and paintings) to build up a reliable picture of what actually happenend during The Great Fire of London. They enjoyed acting out the sequence of events and recalled how the fire started and how it spread.
We have been continuing to read our focus text this week. Milo the cloud doesn't seem to be happy so the children have been thinking about why this might be. We then took turns to be Lizzy whilst the other children gave their advice and suggestions about what could be done to make Milo happier. The children are now writing in role as the Cloud Seller to give Lizzy advice about what to do to solve the problem.
The children have been using alogrithms to program a sequence on a bee bot.
Spelling Investigation
I am so impressed with the children's spelling posters. So many great ways to remember the spellings!
Today in science, the children had to devise an investigation to test a variety of materials for their absorbent property.