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Church of England Primary School

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We hope you had a great half term and enjoyed yourselves  with the children.  They were full of news about soft play places, films and sleep overs with grandparents and family holidays.



Maths this term is all about adding and taking away.  As a first step, the children have been learning the 'part/whole' model, for example if 10 is a whole, 6 could be a part and 4 would be the other part.  They learn this first with counters, then move onto real numbers.

Storm Ciaran! 

We hope everyone managed to stay safe today. Well done to those of you who made it in, 5 of you in total it's been the quietest day ever!

We had a lovely relaxing day as there were so few of us. Firework pictures, hot chocolate and biscuits and even some nativity practice!





Our theme for our topic lessons this term is "Celebrations". Today we looked at why we celebrate bonfire night on the 5th November and then had a go at making our own fireworks. 
