Acorn Class
Thank you to all of our Acorn parents for our lovely presents. You have been very generous and we appreciate it so much.
We have had a wonderful year with the children, even though it has been a bit strange. They have all made super progress and are ready for their next challenge.
Have a wonderful summer and a good rest and we will see you all in September.
Thank You again
Ms Waters and Miss Knight
EYFS Med Term Plans
Dear Acorn parents.
Welcome back, I hope you all had a good half term.
Reading books
Today the children are bringing home 2 reading books. They will come home on a Monday and come back into school on a Friday to allow for cleaning over the weekend.
Please write in the reading journal the date, book name and a comment.
The books at the moment have no words. These are to look at the pictures and discuss what is happening. Also how to hold a book and how to correctly turn the pages.
I am also sending home some tricky words, these are words that they to have to learn and not sound out using phonics.
In school we have learnt lots of sounds and a few children are beginning to blend to make words with some help.
Books with some sounds will be sent out when the children have had a little more practice in school.
On Fridays we will be starting PE, please can the children come in with PE clothes on, track bottoms would be good with trainers and a warm top.
Please ensure your child has a jumper in school, we are having to keep the windows and doors open at all times and with the colder weather coming we need to do our best to stay warm.