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Book Week!


Silver Birch class have had a very interesting week so far...

Yesterday we had a visit from local historian and author of some very interesting books about women in History, Patrick Wheeler.

Today we had lots of fun with Ian from Kik Theatre, trying to show The Twits how they could be better people!


In Maths this week we are learning to add and subtract using Place Value and in Topic we have been learning how Stone Age people went from being Hunter-Gatherers to becoming farmers.  

The children have enjoyed dressing up today for the final day of book week and they look amazing! We've had all sorts of characters from William Shakespeare to Jane Goodall, Pocohontas to Tim Peake - a very diverse bunch! Its really interesting to see what inspires the children. Thank you for your support with this.

Costumes and acting with Tales from the Book of Life.

We saw some fantastic acting when Tales from the Book of Life visited us again today. Some children were stagecoach passengers, drivers and even highway men as they acted out the story of a local highway man from Barham - The Black Robin!


The children are bringing home their spelling lists for next term today and the spelling test will take place on a Friday from now on.

We hope you have a lovely break and look forward to seeing you in November!

