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Church of England Primary School

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Term 2

Week 4

Week ending 27.11.20


What have we learned this week?


'I have learned to write the 2 x table.'

'I have begun to learn my 2 x table.'

'I learned how to double numbers.'

'I learned how to halve numbers.'

'I have learned that the letters 'e', 'i' and 'y', make 'c' say 's' and 'g' say 'j' - they go ' soft and soggy'!'

'I have learned to use cursive handwriting to write words with 'ce', 'ci', and 'cy' in.'

'I learned how to describe a character.'

'I learned how to write a list using commas and 'and' or 'or'.'

'I learned about 'The Rule of Three.'

'I made a plan to write a story.'

'I drew a storyboard.'

'I learned the differences between a baby and a toddler.'

'I wrote a story for a competition.'

'I looked at the patterns in the story, 'Fox, Beware!'


