Good Morning my lovely class!
I hope you are all well! It is so strange having the Year 1 s in our class and not the Wonderful Willows, but great to be teaching proper lessons again!
Joke of the Day: What is worse than raining cats and dogs? Hailing taxes!
Maths Word problem: In Year 1 there are 48 children. There are 52 in Year 2. How many children are there altogether in Years 1 and 2?
Target Word; Can you find the word in this anagram? LOCOHS. Can you make any toher words from the letters?
Do check out Mrs. Godden's Computer Lesson attached below. If you haven't started yet, you can go back to Lesson 1 at the beginning of the term.
If you haven't seen these yet, these Headstart books are really useful: https://mailchi.mp/headstartprimary.com/free-activity-booklets
Have a super day!
Mrs. Ferguson x
Hello Lovely Willows!
I hope you are all well!
I am back teaching full time in Willow Class... but teaching the Year 1 children. It was great to see them and we had a super day. We really missed you, though!
So sorry about the blip with twinkl. I knew the free resources were coming to an end sometime, but hadn't been told when! Never mind, I had saved them all on to my computer so I have now downloaded them on to our page. I hope you enjoy doing the activities.
Have a lovely week!
Mrs. Ferguson x