Term 4
Week 2
Week ending 4.3.22
We had a lovely surprise this week - Willows won the PTA's 2022 Challenge! They rewarded the children with delicious party food, which they had on Friday afternoon. Thank you very much - they thoroughly enjoyed it!
What have we learned this week?
'I learned my 5 x table.'
'I learned the 'zh' phoneme as in 'treasure', beige' and 'visual'.
'I learned to write a prayer about perseverance.'
'I learned about the Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo.'
'I learned to weave two bright colours, in the style of Frida Kahlo.'
'I learned how to compare the suitability of materials, by looking at their properties.'
'I learned how to use an exclamation mark!'
'I learned how to make a tudor style building out of paper strips.'
'I learned about mass - grams and kilograms.'
'I learned how to make rock cakes.'