Star of the week
This weeks star of week is Mrs Fitzgerald.
We are so lucky to have Mrs Fitzgerald in our class - thank you for everything you do!
There are no spellings this week as we have sports day next Friday.
The children have been painting a vase of sunflowers today. Their artwork will be entered into the Elham Garden Society Summer Show.
The children practised touch typing again today in computing. Some of them can now type asdf ;lkj with their eyes closed!!! It's not easy because it's tricky to move one finger with out moving another, but it is a really amazing skill and one they can practise at home.
As part of our topic on the seaside we learned to sing a sea shanty based on the very popular one that went viral last year in lockdown. The children sang and used percussion instruments and then even had a go at doing some dance moves to it, which most of them enjoyed enormously.


