Today the children have put everything they have learned during Art this term together and done an observational drawing of a sunflower, a head of garlic or a cucumber. It is hard to get them to draw what they see - even if they sunflower no longer has petals they want to put them in their drawing because they know they a sunflower has them. For them observational drawing is what they think should be there, not what actually is there. Let's see how they do!
The children have learned how to work their way around e-books in computing this week, selecting a book, using the volume keys, and going forwards and backwards.
Bendy Ian from Kic Theatre came to do some acting with the children, based on the book 'Leo and the Octopus'
As a reward for 102 raffle tickets we took the children for a jaunt to the park. We used their maps and their knowledge of the senses to get there, otherwise would have had no idea!
sock octopuses and cooking!
It really was a brilliant day. Thank you to everyone for coming and sharing the afternoon with us. The children absolutely loved making all the cakes and especially being the waiters/waitresses.
Have a lovely half term and we will see you for a very busy term 2!