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Church of England Primary School

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Here are next weeks spellings. The challenge for these spellings will be on Friday 3 February. 

Star of the Week

This weeks Star of the Week is Bear. What an excellent you have had. We have been so impressed with your Maths this week solving two step money problems. Keep it up Bear, well done! 


Table of the Week

Tigers are this weeks table of the week. Don't forget your show and tell on Monday!

The children had a fabulous time this afternoon counting out their money to buy a cupcake and a drink!

Great balancing in gymnastics today!

We went for a walk around Elham yesterday. Mrs McCoy's friends are coming to Elham and have asked us to find out some more information about the village so we had a look at the places they may find of interest. We even saw a Tudor House and played in the park!


Today, the children have been using the photos we took to recount our walk sequentially. 
