Friday April 17th
Hi everyone. Last day of the week already! I hope it wasn't too hard getting down to work again after your holiday. Just remember, email or phone if there are any problems with what we give you to do.
Here is today's maths and English for you:
Maths and English plans
RE: I can talk about what Jews believe in
Today you are also going to start learning about Judaism, the Jewish religion. Like us, Jews believe in God, but they have different things in their homes to Christians. For example some Christians wear a cross on a chain, and lots of families have a Bible at home. You're going to watch a clip in which you will meet a Jewish family and the girl will show you round her house and show you some things Jews have in their homes.
This video clip is rather dated parents!!!
In the video the girl talked about and showed you some precious things that were in her home. Can you go round the house and talk to your mum or dad about things that are precious in your home?
When you have done that, draw a picture of these things in your book and label them! Don't worry if they are not religious items!
Reading and Phonics
Don't forget to always dip into Teach your Monster to Read and Phonics Play each day. A little a day will keep the cobwebs away!
That's all - you've completed week 1 of term 5. Easy, wasn't it?
Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.
Ms Shepherd x
Thursday April 16th
Hello Hazel Class! Welcome back to Term 5. I was in the classroom yesterday and it was very quiet and lonely. Luckily I found a friend...
Old Friend
Reading and Phonics
Please continue to visit Teach Your Monster to Read. Phonics Play is another site that we use to teach the children. It's full of games and the children are very familiar with it. Most children should be able to access phase 4. It that's too difficult for your child go back to phase 3. If it's too easy, skip to phase 5!
Maths and English
We are now going to be attaching a daily maths and English home learning lesson plan created by Hamilton Trust. The plans are in line with the National Curriculum and are very self-explanatory, with small tasks or larger ones if you prefer.
This term we are looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy. Below there is a slideshow of some of his creations. As you go through the power point ask your child to describe what they see. What shape are the creations? What materials have been used? How are they similar? How are they different? Which do they like best?
Andy Goldsworthy slideshow
Keep active!
Sadly, our lovely PE teachers are in shutdown too, so in their absence we suggest you follow the Joe Wicks videos or any other that your child likes. Break up the learning with mini sessions of 'Simon Says' or a session on the trampoline (if you are lucky enough to have one) if your child is restless.
That's all for today!
You have our email and phone number if you want to talk about any of the learning or just want to have a chat about your child. We will be delighted to hear from you and your child! If you send in pictures, please let us know if you are happy for us to put them on the website. The other children will love seeing their friends!
Love from Ms Shepherd