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Church of England Primary School

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Silver Birch Homework Information



Please read daily. Reading Records will be collected in on a Wednesday to check – if no reading is recorded (at least 3 times a week) children will stay in to read for 15 mins during lunchtime play.


Tables weekly

Please practise times tables! There will be a test each Tuesday. Topmarks has lots of fun games to practise:


Spellings weekly

Spelling will be sent home on Fridays and should be handed in the following Thursday. They are taken from NC Statutory spelling lists for Year 3 & 4.

If spelling homework is not handed in, children will stay to complete it during their lunchtime play.


There will be a spelling test every Friday morning 10/10 = sweet!


In Topic today we have been learning about Roman Roads. The children have seen some replica roads built by other children at Elham Primary and are keen to make their own - please take any photos and email them to the school, so that we can share them with the class!

Here are some we made earlier...

Roman Road replicas

In RE this week, we acted out the story of Noah and learnt about the covenant that God made with Noah.
